Become an Unbeatable Mind Coach to Level Up Your Leadership, Upgrade Your Focus, and Deliver Exceptional Results for Your Clients


An exclusive program to help you embody the Unbeatable Mind System and build a successful, high-performing coaching practice.
Our work has been featured in...
“From his time as a Commander in the SEAL Teams to building several successful multimillion dollar businesses, Mark Divine is an authority on building elite teams and leaders capable of tapping their fullest potential.”
David Goggins
Retired Navy SEAL, author of New York Times Bestseller Can’t Hurt Me
“Former SEAL Mark Divine takes what he learned on the battlefield and applies it to real world business situations allowing you to understand how to better form and manage a team.”
Naveen Jain
Founder InfoSpace, CEO of Viome

The world is compromising our ability to be integrated, highly effective human beings.

More people than ever are not operating even close to their peak.


Coaches and Professionals

Can you relate?

1. You want to coach others, but you’re not operating at peak performance yourself

Modern society pulls us into default negative behaviors and patterns – keeping us from ever fully stepping into our potential.

Look around… this is the default normal:

  • Only 23% of the world’s workforce is engaged

  • 47% of Americans are addicted to their phones

  • Only 12% of people are fully productive at work

  • Less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day

Our environments have conditioned us for poor performance.

2. You want to show up as a world-class coach, but the industry is saturated, and you don’t quite feel you have the full expertise to stand out

So many people are becoming coaches – and, for good reason. It can be a lucrative, dynamic profession with a direct line to helping another human being transform their life. 

But because so many do it, playbooks are re-used, messaging sounds the same, and it’s hard to know who’s really got the gift, and who can make a real impact. 

The world doesn’t need more of the same. We need people thinking differently. Acting effectively. And setting examples that other people can follow. 

In other words, we need true, reliable leaders.

We built this Coaching
Certification to do two things:

1. Create more Unbeatable Leaders in the world

Leaders who perform at their absolute peak in life. Who others can rely on. Who can handle the most challenging situations.

Who show up at their peak––physically, mentally, emotionally and financially.

2) Provide coaches with a highly credible, repeatable process, and certification for transformation.

The systems we use in the Unbeatable Mind Coaching Certification were initially created by Mark Divine to enhance Navy SEAL leadership, focus, and resiliency.

They are embedded in the famous SEAL BUDS training. Now, we teach them to business leaders in focused cohorts so you can apply them to the professional world.

How does the Unbeatable Mind Coaching Certification work?

Learn, practice and live the Unbeatable Mind System

To become a high-performing individual in every dimension of your life

Master the Unbeatable coaching methodology

To learn how to coach others towards transformation

Build your world-class coaching practice

And run a thriving business that at its core helps others

Deliver exceptional client results

And stand out as a leader in your field

Program Elements


You’ll have access to our most in-depth material on the Unbeatable Mind System, including our Kokoro yoga and leadership toolkit, so you can master the tools to high performance.

You’ll go through a focused 12-module coaching program to learn exactly how to provide exceptional results for your clients.


Every other week, you’ll join a live coaching call with Mark Divine or one of our certified Unbeatable Mind trainers.

We’ll debrief the content, help you work through your specific sticking points and apply the material to your life.

This isn’t about learning information you’ll later forget – this is a training – and we’ll coach you until you fully grasp it.


You’ll join one of the most inspired communities on the planet. Highly motivated, high-integrity people who want to operate at their peak while helping others around them.

You’ll have access to our community app and database to connect with our hundreds of Unbeatable Mind Coaches around the world.

What is the Unbeatable
Mind System?

It’s the system Commander Mark Divine developed to raise the Navy SEAL completion rate from 10% to 89% for those whom he trained.

It works so well because it integrates training of the mind, body, and spirit – the first truly integrative human development program.

After building it for the most elite groups on the planet (SEALs), Mark has translated the system to focus on the leadership, business and coaching worlds. True potential isn’t just limited to special operations. The only rate limiter becomes your willingness to learn.

“Commit yourself to Mark Divine's lessons and you too can learn to stare down the wolf.”
Gary Shedlin
Chief Financial Officer, BlackRock
“Mark interleaves key aspects of leadership, mental toughness, resiliency and cultivating higher plains of existence into a foundational concept of being an authentic ‘Leader of leaders.’"
Mike Magaraci
Ret. Force Master Chief of Naval Special Warfare

What results can you expect?

Enhanced physical fitness

Increased earning potential

Become stress-proof and resilient

High-performance leadership

A clear purpose, passion and disciplined life

A holistic system for growth

Inspiring community

Coaching certification
Apply for the Unbeatable Mind Coaching Certification

About Mark Divine

Hi I'm Mark Divine, retired Navy SEAL Commander, creator of SEALFIT, and author of the international bestsellers Uncommon, Unbeatable Mind, Way of the SEAL, and several other top-selling personal and professional development books.

Over the last 34 years, I've commanded, taught, and coached men and women from all walks of life. This, of course, includes Navy SEALS and other SpecOps professionals who risk their lives to defend and protect their countries. But since leaving active military duty, I've put just as much effort into helping coach Fortune 500 CEO's, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and thousands of men and women who want to get in the best physical, mental and financial shape of their lives.

I’ve been blessed and proud to watch civilians get into literal SEAL-shape, business professionals double their earnings, and folks from all paths reach their highest goals of achievement and fulfillment. These are leaders and coaches who can earn their highest income, enjoy running a SEAL obstacle course, and still have plenty of time for their families and personal pursuits.

But I need help to meet my mission, so I am ready to “pass the torch.” I’m looking for top performers who want to be one of these winners and help others do the same.

I’m not saying it will be easy, but you will achieve whatever you desire for yourself as long as you practice the mental, physical, and “spiritual” practices that I’ve refined over the past three decades.

We’ve taught this system to the world’s top organizations

The Curriculum – What's Inside?

Phase 1

Unbeatable Foundations

You will gain access to our entire Unbeatable Mind Foundations course to learn the high-performance, integrated system for building a strong mind, body, career and team.

Lesson 1: The Witness of the Mind Process

To give you the power to step outside the drama and create inner peace in literally any moment.

Lesson 2: Box Breathing Techniques

To take control of your parasympathetic nervous system and literally destress at will. You’ll also gain amazing physical and mental energy by harnessing your body’s incredible ability to use oxygen for power.

Lesson 3: The Big 4 Skills of Mental Toughness

To make yourself a fortress of resilience, ready to stare the enemy in the eye and fight forward… whether it’s a job problem, an economic issue, or a flesh-and-blood opponent trying to take you down.

Lesson 4: The Ultimate Morning Ritual

So you can live in full integrity to yourself, and be effortlessly inspired to meet your goals every day. When you have these dialed in, “motivation” becomes a joke, because you are literally living the only way you can imagine, at this point.

Lesson 5: Program Your Mind for Courage and Disable Your Fear Response

You’ll still have the common sense to avoid danger and needless risk, but you’ll now have the inner fortitude to move forward when it’s the right thing to do for yourself, your business, and your family.

Lesson 6: The Evening Ritual

To give you clarity, peace, and guidance right before you go to sleep. You’ll fall asleep fast, and wake up more rejuvenated and confident than you ever thought was possible.

Lesson 7: The 5 Mountains of Development

And how to create amazing strides in your Physical, Mental, Emotional (and two more essential) areas of your life. The last two “mountains” are almost never mentioned in personal development, and can change your entire way of life.

Lesson 8: Discipline Beyond Belief

As you learn how to always “do the thing” and do it NOW. No more procrastination, and no more resistance. Doing your daily tasks, workouts, and project steps just become as natural as locking the door when you leave your home.

Lesson 9: Shadow Work

For integrating your “Dark Side” and turning it into a source of strength, empathy, and inner beauty. You will learn to love every part of yourself (even the not-so-good parts!) and use it for the better.

Lesson 10: Stress Release & Utilization Mastery

To give your unbelievable control over your body and mind’s reaction to uncertainty, real & imagined threats, and difficult situations. You can literally lower your cortisol rate and raise your testosterone at will when you know this.

Phase 2

Coaching Certification

You will gain access to our entire Coaching Certification course to learn exactly how to become a high performance coach and build your thriving practice.

Lesson 1: Becoming an Unbeatable Mind Coach

Discover the essence of an Unbeatable Mind Coach and your profound influence as a mentor.

Learn the inward journey required to serve outwardly effectively, plus foundational business development strategies.

Lesson 2: Helping Your Clients Discover Their Witness

Master techniques like WIRM (World Immune Regulation Meeting) and OODA (Observe–Orient-Decide-Act) to guide clients in controlling their attention, alongside strategies for articulating your unique coaching technique.

Lesson 3: Helping Your Clients Discover Their Why

Learn to coach the 3 P’s and reflective exercises like 'Future Me' to help your clients clarify core motivations.

Lesson 4: Privacy, Confidentiality, Culture, and Diversity

Navigate the critical importance of privacy, recognize cultural biases, and assess client compatibility.

Lesson 5: Coaching the Big 4

Learn the skills to coach the Big 4 of Mental Toughness –– including box breathing and visualization techniques. Learn to ask powerful, transformative questions that shift your client out of default patterns

Lesson 6: Coaching Session Rituals

You’ll create effective pre- and post-session rituals to keep clients engaged and accountable.

Lesson 7: Coaching the 5 Mountains

Explore coaching across the five dimensions of being: physical, mental, emotional, intuitive, and kokoro – to bring a holistic approach to your client’s development.

Lesson 8: Coaching Presence

Enhance your coaching presence, manage emotional triggers, and maintain professionalism in all interactions. Learn structured approaches to optimize client sessions and lead generation.

Lesson 9: Growing as a Coach

Focus on personal and professional growth as a coach, including detaching from clients' outcomes, finding your unique coaching voice, and effectively using video content for marketing.

Lesson 10: Coaching and Leading in the I/We/It Sphere

Coach and lead through the integration of individual, collective, and contextual perspectives, and master the art of persuasive presentations.

Lesson 11: Process Tools to Help Your Client

Utilize our full coaching toolkit and frameworks, such as SMART-P and the OODA loop, to drive client progress and optimize your energy for maximum impact.

Lesson 12: Coaching the 5 Plateaus

Guide clients through various developmental stages and cultivate communities of practice to reach true excellence together.

Lesson 13: Your Role as a Coach

Define your boundaries and responsibilities, including knowing when to refer clients to other professionals, and how to effectively market your services online.

Lesson 14: Holding Your Client Accountable

Master techniques for holding accountability conversations and strategies for handling clients who aren’t meeting commitments.

Lesson 15: Ending the Client Relationship

Learn to effectively conclude coaching engagements, setting your clients up for continued success post-coaching.

Lesson 16: Tribe, Traction, and Transformation

Assess your leadership qualities and plan your future growth. You’ll have a continual focus on both personal and professional expansion.

Bonus Training

The Way of the SEAL

This is a special bonus program that will teach you how to take the concepts of Unbeatable Mind and apply them to leadership in business.

You’ll be an unstoppable force in any profession you’re in.

  • The 20X Factor

  • Micro Goals

  • Failure Firepower

  • Creating a Compelling Vision

  • Bulletproofing Your Mission

  • Self-Assessment for Extreme Progress

Bonus Training

Kokoro Yoga

Every warrior needs time for rejuvenation, recovery, rest, and relaxation. This part of your training will give you the “Yin” side of your growth, which melts stress, prevents burnout, and keeps you at your best.

I’ve combined what I consider the best of meditation, visualization, yoga, tai chi, and breathwork to help you become the best you that you can be.

  • Custom-Made Yoga Sequences

  • Advanced Breathwork

  • Enhanced Visualization

  • Tai Chi

What others say about The Unbeatable Mind Coaching Certification

"This is by far the leading integrated development model for coaches intent on changing the world and maximizing human potential in the process."

Trevor Osborn
CEO, Fifth Plateau

This is an exceptional opportunity for growth as an individual, leader, as well as a coach in any field of life. There is a new level of personal awareness and growth that I have experienced.

Alice Vanderlinde

“This program is strengthening my transferable skills for assisting my clients and students to more effectively achieve their personal and professional development goals. A life-changing opportunity.”

Sloane Dugan, PhD
Haskayne School of Business
University of Calgary

"I've seen the best out there. And this blows everything away."

Jim Brault

"Excellent results for my clients."

Heidi Sawyer

"My life is more meaningful and purposeful."

Richard Thompson

"I now have the great privilege of coaching individuals and working with corporate teams."

Nicole Berschback

"You become a leader amongst other leaders."

Boomer Alred

"A fast-forward learning process to help in your personal and professional development."

Melanie Sliwka

"I have yet to find another program that comes close to working on the whole mind, the whole individual."

Brad Ritter

"Incredibly inspiring"

Pauline Larmaraud

"We noticed a massive success in our residential painting company and also launched our coaching business."

Ryan Sawyer


And the path to mastery is through coaching.

The Investment

Apply now

Unbeatable Coaching
Certification Course
Live Access
to Mark Divine
Live Group Coaching
with UM Coaches
Unbeatable Mind
Foundations Course
Way of the
Seal Course
Yoga Training

Your Investment: $2,999

or 3 payments of $1,049

Apply for the Unbeatable Mind Coaching Certification


What is the Unbeatable Mind Coaching Certification?

It's an in-depth training program to master the Unbeatable Mind System and learn how to coach others through it.

Who is Mark Divine?

Mark Divine is the founder of Unbeatable Mind, a retired Navy SEAL Commander, creator of SEALFIT, and author of the international bestsellers Uncommon, Unbeatable Mind, Way of the SEAL, and several other top-selling personal and professional development books.

Is this all online?

Yes, you can access this program from any device and an internet connection, no matter where you are.

I'm not sure I'm ready to be a coach...

You’re probably right, you’re not. And that’s why this program exists.

You may need to work on yourself first, even starting from ground zero. And that’s ok. If you are starting from a relatively low point in your life, it will take you a lot longer before you can coach anyone else, so just focus on yourself for now in these trainings. Once you’ve solidified this power and achievement yourself, you may be surprised how ready you become to help others on the same path.

And don’t forget, the most valuable teachers and leaders in society often struggled finding their way, and are now amazing at helping others on their paths.

This sounds like a lot of work. Do I have to do all of it?

It is a lot, but it’s very doable and you can take your time as needed. If you need to take a break, that’s fine. All calls are recorded, and you can jump back in whenever you’re ready.

And you can use common sense on whether you can skip a video or training. You don’t need to do every single KOKORO Yoga sequence, for example, but you’ll probably want to try all of them at some point. You also don’t need to watch every coaching business development training if you don’t plan on being a hired coach.

However, for everything related to mindset, goal achieving, leadership, and controlling your state, I expect you to bring yourself 100%.

How does the application work?

In order to join the Unbeatable Mind Certification, you must submit an application so we can ensure it's a good fit. This is to create a highly curated container for learning, support and community growth. Our team reviews all applications and sends out acceptances within 24-48 hours.

What is the time commitment?

This program will take a few hour a week to complete, over the course of roughly 4 months. Though you are welcome to take longer and complete it on your own time. The program often takes place of "dead time" where you're replacing unproductive activities with learning and progressing towards your goals.

I don’t want to be one of those cheesy life coaches I see on social media...

That’s absolutely not what this program is about. This is for people who want to be leaders and achieve at their top level. You can be a personal coach, sure, but it will definitely not be the flowery cheerleader type.

Instead, you’ll be a true mentor… creating amazing change in your family, your business, and for individual clients, if you want to take that path.

Many take this program just for the pure mastery element and to be an inspiration for others.

Do I get a refund if I decide this is not for me?

Here’s the deal. If you’re hemming and hawing on this, then this is probably not for you. Decisiveness is one of the key factors of living with an Unbeatable Mind.

However, you may be new to my material, and I want you to feel fully comfortable that if I do not deliver, you’re not stuck. So I am offering an Unconditional 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. If this program isn’t everything I’ve described and more, then I insist you request a refund and let me know where things haven’t met your expectations. This way I can fill in any gaps for the future.

But if you click that button to enroll, you must be fully committed to making this work. This is not a “maybe” test-drive. It is a fully locked-and-loaded mission to fulfill your destiny and settle for nothing less.

"Mark Divine is one of my favorite writers on leadership and mental and physical wellness."

Ryan Holiday
#1 New York Times Bestselling author of Ego is the Enemy

"To grow to your fullest capacity in your life and as a leader, we need to challenge ourselves. There’s no one I know who’s challenged himself more than Mark Divine. He’s the perfect visionary to help get you out of your comfort zone and shattering the status quo.”

Joe De Sena
Founder and CEO of Spartan

“Mark Divine provides a valuable resource on what every leader should know, embrace and practice if they want to be successful in the most meaningful way.”

Larry King
Broadcast Legend