Navy SEAL Mindset Training to Increase Your Focus, Motivation & Daily Productivity

30-Day Unbeatable Challenge

Commit to 15mins/day of Navy SEAL Mindset Training – Bringing Focus, Clarity and Productivity Into Your Life and Work
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Overwhelm. Distraction. Uncertainty. Monotony.

Living the same day over and over, without end. Not making progress.

Do you know what your goals are? Do you know where you’re trying to go?

You might be listening to a lot of great information. Podcasts, books, youtube…

But what are you doing?

Where is that dialed in, optimized peak version of yourself you’ve been dreaming of?

"Mark Divine is essentially the person we're all striving to be: unbeatable mentally and physically. He has achieved what we all want: self-mastery. His philosophy of 20x can change your life."

Jim Rome
CBS Nationally Syndicated Radio Sports Jock and Host of The Jim Rome Show

"From his time as a Commander in the SEAL Teams to building several successful multimillion dollar businesses, Mark Divine is an authority on building elite teams and leaders capable of tapping their fullest potential."

David Goggins
Retired Navy SEAL, Author of New York Times Bestseller Can’t Hurt Me

"Mark Divine is one of my favorite writers on leadership and mental and physical wellness."

Ryan Holiday
#1 New York Times Bestselling author of Ego is the Enemy

What do your next 30 days look like?

Now more than ever, professionals are finding their days jumbled and disorganized.

We are constantly task switching... captured by distractions, bad habits and procrastination.

This can lead to stress, anxiety and burnout. The more it goes on, the harder it is to undo.

But you have a choice.

Right now you could either continue the "default normal" (distracted and scattered)... or commit to a change.

Imagine the next 30 days, each one moving you slightly closer to your higher self.

Join elite organizations trained by Mark Divine's Unbeatable Mind System

The world's best performing individuals and teams don't leave it up to chance.

They train for ultimate performance.

The 20X Power of Commitment

If you don’t make the effort to change, you will fall behind.

Life is like a treadmill, to stand still means moving backwards.

But something special happens when we commit to something.

We don’t just match the pace of life, we exceed it. We actually move forward.

Over time we gain leverage, to where the effort of one step doesn’t just equal one, or even two, it becomes 20. 

What results can you expect from the 30-Day Challenge?

A Calmer Mind

For some, this might be worth the time and financial investment alone. You will learn how to still those thoughts of anxiety & doubt, and replace them with empowering beliefs… or just pure, soothing inner silence.

If you have a Fitbit, Apple Watch, or heart rate monitor, you can watch your pulse slow in real time from the techniques I will show you.

Sharpened Intuition

With all the negative thoughts out of the way, you’ll find your inner truth emerges with ease. Ideas come to you, & problems get easily solved.

You’ll also find you can read people better, and make better decisions for your business and family.

Rock Solid Discipline

All the things you wanted to do but just didn’t, will now get done in record time. You point to a target, decide to do it, and achieve it. If a task is hard or unpleasant, you just do it anyway… and it doesn’t even feel that bad. In fact, it’s pretty fun!

The joy of daily achievements becomes a positive cycle leading to success and self-respect.

A Purpose that Inspires You

How would you like to wake up every day knowing exactly what you’re living for, what you’re working toward, and why it matters? It doesn’t matter whether you’re religious & wondering God’s plan for yourself, or an atheist looking for direction. You can discover your purpose, even if it’s just for “right now.”

Once you do, absolutely everything flows easier. And it becomes unthinkable to give up, because there’s nothing else you’d rather be doing.‍

Money Comes Naturally

Notice I said naturally, not magically! When you have everything in order from your 30-Day Unbeatable Challenge, money is an almost unavoidable after-effect. You can set direct financial goals, or you can just focus on your purpose.

But no matter what, financial abundance comes from you doing all the right things for your life, business, & family.

Fitness Becomes a Pleasure

Most people diet or workout because they “should.” For you, fitness and healthy eating shall become a daily pleasure and celebration of your magnificent body.

Like money, the effects of a smaller waistline and chiseled muscles will be an after-effect of how you’re living. You’ll look great, but how you feel will be why you continue treating your body so well.

True Passion for Life

This is something that can’t be accurately described, but just felt. Waking up, being thrilled to be alive. Going for a run outside and loving the cool air flowing down your lungs. Hugging your kid and being so thankful for every moment. Appreciating everything that comes your way, both the challenges and the rewards.

This is the greatest gift of all, and when you get it, you’ll know and become committed to helping everyone else get it too.

Your Mission Plan

How does it work?

Each day you’ll get a video and an assignment.

Sometimes it will be a 15 minute video that you simply watch and then contemplate throughout the day.

Other times it will be a 5-minute video accompanied by 10 minutes of journaling work, a breathing exercise, and perhaps a conversation you need to have.

Occasionally, it will be a guided meditation or visualization to help you become laser-focused and crystal clear on your next goal.

No matter the format, your baseline commitment is just 15 minutes a day.

All these days build on each other. You’ll learn SEAL mental concepts and techniques in a step-by-step, easy manner until it’s second nature for you.

Here's What a Sample Day Looks Like:

Daily Video

Use Integrated Body Movement to train your body to enter the Flow State.

4 Minutes
Audio Meditation

How to get into the Courage Loop – a guided audio walkthrough.

3 Minutes
Attentive Breathwork

To calm your body and bring insight for the day – shifting into a positive state.

3 Minutes
Focused Writing

To program your subconscious mind to find solutions for the day ahead.

5 Minutes

1% of Your Day.

30 Days.

Your Instructor

‍Mark Divine is a retired Navy SEAL, New York Times bestselling author, and transformative thought leader, inspiring compassion, resilience, and fortitude.

His distinguished military career spanned two decades with tours in Iraq, the Middle East, and the Korean Peninsula, culminating in his retirement in as a Commander.

Beyond the battlefield, Mark founded SEALFIT, where he blends Navy SEAL training with innovative mental toughness and mindfulness techniques.

Through the Unbeatable Mind program he has trained thousands in his "Kokoro" whole mind system, and through the Mark Divine Courage Foundation, he aids veterans seeking post-traumatic growth.

Mark holds a PhD in Global Leadership from Pepperdine University and resides in Encinitas, California, with his wife, Sandy, and Husky Mahina.

What others are saying

“The biggest thing Unbeatable Mind Academy has done for me is help with, both my emotional control and my confidence.”
Kyle George
"I wish this had been around when I was 21-22 years old and just getting out of college"
Robert Gerard
"The toolbox here is so rich, the treasure chest of things that you learn here mentally, physically, spiritually. It's helped me enormously to step up to tackle those bigger goals I never would've had the courage to tackle before"
Kathleen Dezio
"The Unbeatable Mind training has been helpful for managing fear because I'm doing a lot of events that are kind of crazy and a little out of my comfort zone. The whole "win in the mind" thing is really, really helpful."
Troy Angrignon
“It's increased my emotional development and my emotional intelligence. Specifically, I believe it's helped me become a better boyfriend, a better son, and a better brother.”
JJ Wellemeyer
"I think, in general, I can more openly communicate with people."
Aurora Villarroel

Here's everything you get in the 30-Day Unbeatable Mind Challenge:

30 days of on-demand training with Mark

$1,000 Value

Our proven 20X Mind System

$500 Value

Our cutting-edge 20X Action System

$500 Value

Our elite Target Selection System

$500 Value

Our battle-tested Rapid Planning System

$500 Value

Our cutting-edge 20X Action System

$500 Value

30 Days of Membership in the Unbeatable Community

$39 Value

Your Price: Only $39

Join Now
When you join us, we’ll make a generous donation to the Courage Foundation to help Veterans who are suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS).

Why this is priced so low

You may have noticed the price tag for this is a measly $39. Why is that? It’s the same reason why this program only demands 15 minutes a day from you at a minimum. I wanted to make this a no excuses, no brainer offer.

Everyone can afford $39…And if you can’t, I guarantee you’ll have your earning power increased enough within the first two weeks that it will seem like a joke to you that this was ever a stretch.

This 30 day challenge is also the beginning of what I want to happen for you, and for your involvement with my team.

I run a lot of operations with the Unbeatable Mind, including fitness programs, long term training, elite masterminds, and advanced programs for those who truly want to excel. My hope is that at the end of these 30 days, you’ll want to do more. That you’ll want to become a steady part of our community and inspire other men to achieve like you have.

That you’ll develop your skills, mental sharpness, physical fitness, and accomplishment power to unbelievable levels.

If you just want to do the 30 days, that’s fine. You have 100% of my commitment to give you everything I can in our 15 minutes a day together.

Once 30 days have passed, you can decide whether you want to move ahead toward new adventures with us. Joining the Unbeatable Community means that you will retain access to the recordings and instructions from the 30-Day Challenge for as long as your membership is active.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Unbeatable Mind 30-Day Challenge?

The Unbeatable Mind 30-Day Challenge is a comprehensive program designed to help you unlock your full potential through daily 15-minute sessions focused on physical, mental, and spiritual growth.

Who is Mark Divine?

Mark Divine is the founder of Unbeatable Mind, a retired Navy SEAL Commander, creator of SEALFIT, and author of the international bestsellers Uncommon, Unbeatable Mind, Way of the SEAL, and several other top-selling personal and professional development books.

Will I have access to support during the challenge?

Yes, you will have access to the Unbeatable Mind Community where you can ask questions, get support, and share your experiences.

How much time do I need to commit each day?

The challenge requires a minimum commitment of 15 minutes per day.

Can I spend more than 15 minutes a day on the challenge?

Yes, while the minimum requirement is 15 minutes, you are welcome to spend more time on the exercises and activities.

What if I miss a day?

It’s important to stay consistent, but if you miss a day, simply continue with the next day's assignment. Consistency over perfection is key.

For 30 years I studied the subject of high performance under stress. Commander Mark Divine has created the one-stop shop on this topic. The 30-Day Challenge will give you a wonderful sampling of his effective tools / techniques and launch you on an amazing life changing trajectory to assure a "life well lived".  Honor your blessings and take the Challenge.  Hooyah!
Albert Pacal
EMT - Wayne County EMS
I had just started training again after a rotator cuff surgery a year before, and the 30 Day Challenge was an excellent springboard gift getting me on my way both physically and mentally. I recommend the 30 Day Challenge to everyone, it is a great way to jump start your physical fitness goals and, the best part, it helps lead you to become the best version of yourself!
James Cozine
Captain, Sause Brothers Ocean Towing
The 30-day challenge helped me bring clarity and structure into my life. I feel happier and more balanced. I also know what I want to achieve in life. I recommend this 30-day challenge to everyone.
Dennis Herbeck
Senior Manager,  Connected Energy Solutions
This is a very powerful course. Within a few days I learned techniques that greatly improved my performance. It's very well thought out, with truly life changing techniques to take both your mind and your achievement to a much higher level.
Siimon Reynolds
Director, Siimon Reynolds Consulting
I recommend anyone take the 30-Day Challenge who wants to start developing a mind - body - heart- Soul  connection that will absolutely change their life!
Jim Thompson
Owner Thompson Fitness
I loved the 3-Day Challenge. It was a great reset for me and got me moving more fully in a positive direction and provided helpful tools. I would recommend it for anyone who needs a reset or a boost!
Christian Overton
The 30-Day Challenge helped me improve my life twice. First to determine and achieve my One Thing Mission and second to help me develop a plan to go after and secure the SEALFIT KOKORO crucible. The 30-Day Challenge taught me how to be very efficient and effective with goal attainment. Hooyah!!
David Weber
The Mark Divine Courage Foundation, Regional Program Director
The tools offered through Mark's program keep me focused, on point and on the plan. It's a great way to be accountable to oneself in self improvement and moving toward one's goals.
Bill Black
W. H. Black & Company
The 30-Day Challenge made me discover how I could structure my thoughts, decisions, and therefore my actions in everyday life, and  how to control my emotions using fear and courage loop/wolf concept. Since great improvements in my interactions with family, friends, neighbors... Many thanks to Mark DIVINE for sharing so deep knowledge about human being and behavior. I highly recommend to new students and attendees! Hooyah !
Philippe Laforet
Retired Airline Pilot, AIR FRANCE Group
Committing and following through with the 30-Day Challenge is a huge present to yourself. You get a kickstart to create a life you are thriving in. With this you equip yourself with a set of tools that are highly effective in our day to day challenges like an overwhelming amount of things to do and many more.
Miriam Schmidberger
Authentic Leadership Coach